

Thank you for visiting the flighteXperimentations site. Established in 2002, and with a world-wide clientele, the company offers a Consultancy service that centres on Flight Test, Training and General Aviation. Recently retired, I maintain a small portfolio of consulting roles, and look forward to flying into at least my 57th flying year!

If you need to contact me please do so by calling +44-(0)-7738-218501. Alternatively, email geoffconnolly@btinternet.com Should I be unable to assist you directly, I have a wide network of associates and contacts in many aviation disciplines. I look forward to hearing from you.

NEWS! Geoff was honoured to be in the SETP Fellows Class of 2024, and was inducted as a Fellow of the Society at the annual SETP Symposium in Anaheim, CA, on 28 September.

Geoff Connolly: an aviation professional, now in his 56th flying year. He began flying with the RAFVR with the University of London Air Squadron, gained his Private Pilot Licence (Aeroplanes) in 1970, and has maintained proficiency in light aeroplanes since then. After a legal training, he joined the RAF and was an operational helicopter pilot before becoming a flying instructor, and later graduating from the 1986 Class at the Empire Test Pilots School.

Following several years as a military test pilot at MoD Boscombe Down, Geoff joined Bristow Helicopters as Deputy Company Test Pilot, initially with a 'day-job' as an aeroplane and helicopter instructor, teaching student commercial pilots: around which was fitted some flight test project and evaluation work. Gradually assuming a more active test flying role, he progressed to become the company's Flight Test Manager and its Head of Flying for the UK MoD. He also spent a period as part of a joint-venture project team, working on a major collaborative public-private contract initiative: the UK Defence Helicopter Flying School. Amongst other facets of work in this role, he oversaw and flight-tested the modifications and civil/military certification for militarised versions of a fleet of 50 aircraft, for single- and multi-engine training. Latterly he was also the Bristow Company Flight Safety Officer, carrying out investigations and supervising a safety database for worldwide operations. During this period he flew part-time with a police air support unit. In 1999 Geoff took a step away from increasing management duties and returned to full-time flying, as a Civil Servant with the Metropolitan Police, before setting up his Flight Test consultancy, working for a number of Part-21 companies, and returning to Bristow as a Consultant Test Pilot and EASA Compliance Verification Engineer in 2002: a post which he contined to hold until the UK left EASA in 2021. Additionally, for nearly 8 years he was a JAR FCL-2 and JAR OPS-3 post-holder as Head of Training and Chief Pilot for a small training and charter helicopter company; then for a further 4 years that company's Compliance Monitoring Manager. He is EASA Compliance Manager, and, since 2011, a visiting Test Pilot Instructor at the International Test Pilot School in Canada. Geoff has led the Safety Audit Team for each Farnborough International Airshow since 2010.

Geoff has over 11,000 hours flying experience, gained on over 80 types of helicopters and aeroplanes. He holds UK ATPL (H) and CPL (A) pilot licences, and a TC CPL (H). A highly experienced instructor on light aeroplanes and helicopters, he retired in 2019, from his role for 15 years as an EASA/UK Flight Examiner and Type Rating Examiner for Helicopters. He also has 13 years experience as a test pilot instructor. As an ETPS graduate, Geoff meets the test flying qualification of the EASA Test Pilot (Class 1) Rating. Having previously spent several years living and flying in France, as a RAF exchange flying instructor, and now, thanks to his French and French-Canadian ITPS colleagues, Geoff remains fluent in spoken and written French.

Geoff is a Fellow of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, an Upper Freeman of the Honourable Company of Air Pilots (HCAP), and an Associate Member of the British Helicopter Association (BHA).

Geoff previously served as a member of the UK Flight Safety Committee, the UK Airprox Board, the BASIS Steering Group, the Air Pilots International Technical Forum, and the BHA/CAA Onshore Committees. He is the Regional Safety Officer (RSO) for London and South East England for the General Aviation Safety Council (GASCo), and in this volunteering role helps promote General Aviation Safety at airfields and flying clubs in his area. He is in current flying practice on helicopters and light aeroplanes, and is co-owner of a Socata TB10 based at Headcorn, EGKH.

(c) FlightExperimentations 2002-2024

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